Hair Loss in Women: A relation with cold weather | Best Dermatologist In Jayanagar | Epiderma Clinic

Today, the problem of hair loss or hair fall has become very common. From children to older people, from women to men, everyone is found struggling with the issue of hair fall, especially in the winter season. The winter season brings happiness with it. Celebrating picnics in winter holidays has its unique pleasure.

We try our best to protect our bodies from the cold but often neglect our hair. You also understand that hair adds charm to your beauty and personality. In winter, your skin, lips, and your hair become dry. Along with hair, the scalp problem is also the maximum in the cold season.

Women have to face a lot of problems due to their hair fall. So today in this blog, our best dermatologist in Jayanagar, Bangalore discusses hair fall in winter, especially hair fall in women—its causes and what should be done for hair care in cold weather.

Reasons for Hair fall in winter

It is no wonder that you start shedding more hair than usual with the onset of winter. Just like the health of your skin changes with the seasons, the health of your hair also depends on the season. Hair fall is more likely due to the dry air outside during winter. The air is dry, absorbs all the moisture from your scalp, and makes it dry. Due to a dry scalp, the hair also becomes dry, resulting in hair breakage, falling, or getting damaged. A dry scalp also causes dandruff, which makes the scalp feel itchy and unwell. Dandruff is also an important reason for hair fall in winter.

If we look at it technically, in cold weather, the hydrogen bonds in the strands of your hair become weak, due to which dryness occurs. Thus, hair breakage in winter is not a myth.

Other causes of hair loss

Other causes of hair loss include stress, nutritional deficiencies, lack of sleep, pollution, etc. Our trichologists can help you keep your hair shiny and healthy through the winter season. If you have any hair-related problems, feel free to contact us.

How to prevent and take care of your hair fall problem in winter?

  • Oil massage

In winter, do a scalp massage with warm oil for your hair. Hot oil massage helps increase blood circulation in your scalp and helps strengthen your hair from within.

For this, you can go with almond or olive oil. To maintain the shine and strength of your hair, do an oil massage regularly. Choose an oil containing vitamin B12 for hair massage, as vitamin B12 promotes healthy hair growth.

  • Avoid hot water showers.

Hot water is not at all good for the health of the hair. Avoid washing your head in hot water; hot water can damage your hair. Instead, you can choose light lukewarm water in winter.

  • Avoid heat-styling

Try to limit the use of a blow dryer or curling iron on your hair. These heat styling tools suck the moisture out of your hair and weaken the chemical bonds between hair strands.

If you need to style your hair frequently, use a hair protection spray before using these tools.

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